Monday 27 February 2012

First edit

The clip below is a rough clip that Jordan created shortly after a second filming session. small rough clips like this help up to track our progress and see where we are currently at. We looked at this at the current footage and thought that it was really good, with this in mind we had high expectation for our final product.
From this Jordan started adding transitions and titles throughout the video, as well as using the score we plan to use.

Friday 10 February 2012


 As a group we have to decide if we want to film again as we don't have many shots and some aren't as good. With what we currently have i personally feel that the footage we have and the rough footage we have put together looks quite good but we will have to review this as a group and come to a decision.

We then  decided to go back to the Lighthouse Theater in
order to capture more shots. However the lack of communication from the Lighthouse Theatre has made impossible. The Lighthouse Theatre took so long to reply, that we then decided we had to carry on without going back.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Production Day 3

Today we did our second day of filming at The Lighthouse Theatre but not all of the footage we required was filmed within the small time frame of 2 hours. Getting more footage didn't seem very likely because of the time we had left to edit. The current footage that we have looks good and better than expected, so it wouldn't be the biggest downfall if we were not able to film again.

First school edit

We have imported our footage at school to enable us to edit. Now have some of our footage on the desktops we can begin the editing process. Although it's not all of our footage, we will edit these pieces to see how everything flows so far. We also decided to keep all our footage on the Macs and not fully edit until we have it all.

Editing of filming '#1

Today at school we looked over the footage as a group and picked out all the errors that were made.
After analysing the footage we started to talk about different shots and changes we could make to the the footage. We then came up with a new shot list and made a few changes to the storyline.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Production - Day 2

Today is the day! We were going to the Lighthouse theatre to film our final product! Me Joe and Jordan finished our school day early to enable us to gather the equipment, props and actors that would aid us in filming. The props and equipment were prepared the night before to make things easier for us. After leaving school we collected our bags and then our main actor Bruno and walked to the Lighthouse theatre.
Below is a picture of the bag with some of the equipment and then me and Joe holding the back on the way to the theatre.

After arriving at the theatre we took got stuck n straight away and started filming however we encountered some difficulties the first few shots in the backstage changing room due to the amount of mirrors. this meant we had to be careful of where we and the camera were positioned so that you couldn't see us in the background or in a reflection. Our 2 hours went well and successful when filming and gathering all the footage until the next day when we realised we had a few errors and things that didn't add up.

Take 2!

Yesterday we started our production stage of Break The 4th Wall by filming at the Lighthouse Theatre.
Today we are going back to continue with the production stages as we will have a lot to do. When reaching the theatre  Jack guided us through the pre-prepared shot list and we each went about how we wanted to do the shots and what shots we wanted, with some extra shots included from improvisation in case we thought it was a worthy addition.
We had from 4-6pm at the Lighthouse Theatre. We quickly got stuck in and started filming, however we lost track of time and didn't finish everything that was intended to be film.
Below is am image of me all wrapped up and ready to walk to the lighthouse theatre with the group. The second image is of Bruno on stage.