Wednesday 28 March 2012

Film opening progess

This post is just to inform our current position and situation. After this long period of creating our teen horror film we currently on track with current task and should be the deadline.The film opening is almost complete to a good standard therefore we have high hopes of getting a successful product. After this long period of edditing by Jordan and making drafts I feel we have made good progress as a group to get specific jobs done and stay organised.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Second edit changes

We showed the current footage to Mr Henton to see what recommendation and changes he would suggest to us. Mr Henton said that it was good, but  the assassination of JFK footage wasn't ours so we should start our opening with a detailed description of the clip.  He then went on to say because it was found footage and not out own, we could lose marks because of it.
As a group we took this into consideration, but we have decided to keep the clip and not change it to details.We did this be we think it could completely ruin the effect of the clip.
Another problem that we encountered was the time, Mr Henton said that our clip was too long and we needed to cut it down. To do this Jordan will also removing some clips and shortening others.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Second Edit

We are currently in the final stages of the editing processes. However we wouldn't be here without Jordan due to his hard work and commitment. We now have a much better edit of the almost finished opening to our production "Breaking the 4th Wall". From this as a group we can decided what we to change and add to make it better. During discussion Joe made a very good change that could benefit us because it would save a lot of time.
" I personally think have the titles overlaying the assassination of the president to save time as we're 46 seconds over the allowed time before we'll start losing marks."  I totally agree with what Joe has proposed because it will shorten the time so that we don't lose marks.

Friday 9 March 2012

Rough footage

Today during media we showed Mr Cradock our rough footage that has been put together. He was impressed with this and told us what parts were good and what parts could be improved to make it even better.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Obama footage / Change of Plan

We have slightly changed some aspects of how our teen horror opening will start. We have now decided to show the assassination of JFK instead of the Obama clip because it firstly hard to obtain and the JFK assassination fits in better with our Illuminati effect.