Wednesday 14 September 2011

3 P's

In to today's lesson we were taught 3 steps in how to create a piece of media

Planning - Pre production,
Filming - Production,
Editing - Post production.

Pre production
What is pre production? 
Pre-production is the planning stage of your shoot. This happens before the camera starts rolling. By creating storyboards, scouting locations, and figuring out the budget ahead of time, your production will be free of unnecessary worry and problems.
During pre-production, the script is broken down into individual scenes and all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects are identified. Basically everything it ready for filming such as the set is ready, the crew is ready and finances is sorted.

What is production?
Production is when you’re filming/recording, this is when actors are on set and the cameras are rolling.

what is post production?
Post production is where the final step in the making of a film or television programme - a process of you finalise raw materials into a finished product before distribution and release to the public/
Editing is a key function - of picture, sound, effects, or a combination of these, but there are other areas - telecine, sound, creating *DVD's and special effects to name a few.

After this we were also taught the 180 degree rule and the reverse shot.

The 180 Degree Rule is were two characters in a scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If you don't follow the 180 Degree Rule, or break it intentionally, it disrupts the scene. When you break the 180 line, a person who was originally facing left in a scene is all of the sudden facing right. This video below explains the 180 degree rule better.

The 180 Degree Rule states that two characters in a scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If you don't follow the 180 Degree Rule, or break it intentionally, it disrupts the scene disorients the audience. When you break the 180 line, a person who was originally facing left in a scene is all of the sudden facing right. Wait! When did they switch places?

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