Thursday 29 December 2011


One of the main parts of a filming opening is the audio, in our case this would be a soundtrack. As a group we decided that we wanted to have some form of music playing over the top throughout the opening. 
The only problem now was the copyright issue. This means we couldn't use copyrighted material therefore making it harder for us to obtain.
However every cloud has a silver lining and  Jordan using to many skills managed to find us a composer. The composer was willing to create us soundtrack. Jordan found the composer through YouTube.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Creating and research of titles

Over the last couple of weeks in media with Mr Craddock we have been getting familiar with a bit of software called LiveType. LiveType is an expansion of Final cut which allows you to create titles. After having lots of time playing LiveType and creating titles, we thought it looked to much like amateurs work and the whole class had similar products. With this in mind we decided not to use LiveType but to use another program called Adobe After Affects.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Shot list for Breaking the 4th wall

This is the shot list I devised to help our group during the filming stage of our main task.
I think that preparing before shooting by creating a shot list will aid us massively as it will save us time and we know specifically what we need to record.
The Shot list is broken down into 4 columns.
The first column is basic as it only has the shot number, the second column has the scene number, the third column is the shot we want and lastly is the shot description which is pretty much the title a description of what we intend to record in this shot.

Scene Number
Shot type
Shot Description
POV/ Over the shoulder
In this shot we will the important document either over the shoulder or in a point of view shot scrolling from left to right.
Close up
This is a close up shot of a bead of sweat dripping down the cheek of our main character so show his nerves as he is about to do something important.
Mid Body shot
This is the shot where we see the main character preparing himself and buttoning his suit before he goes on stage.
Tracking back shot
This is a backtracking shot as the main character walks down the corridor and a voiceover is played over the top
Tracking back shot
This is the same as the shot before but the main character has to turn a corner
Close up shot
This is a shot of the illuminati character putting the mask on however you don’t see their face.
Panning left to right shot
This is a panning shot from left to right. It will show the main character coming out of the corridor and walking across the stage to the centre.
POV Shot
The curtains go up and the audience can see the main character about to the performance. As the curtain comes up there is blinding white light and all you see the illuminati characters head.

Monday 12 December 2011

2nd Character casting season

After having our first discussion for casting and coming up with characteristic specification we are ready to proceed to the next stage. The stage would be getting potential candidates for this role. So we had a group discussion and through of all our possible candidates and then said what ability and skill each candidate had. After this long thought process we finally got to a conclusion which 2 candidates suited the position well we all concurred on.

Here is the first Canadian Jordan who will pose in an Illuminati mask.
The reasons for choosing Jordan were simple.

Firstly Jordan is a very reliable person and we all know him so that getting hold of him would be easy and we know that he is flexible. Also he knows everything about the role because he helped produce the whole "Breaking The 4th Wall" idea. We also know that Jordan did GCSE Drama where he achieved a Grade B so acting is an easy thing for Jordan making him a very good candidate

Untitled from Jack White on Vimeo.

Followed by the second candidate Joe
During the discussion of who we should cast Joe sprang to mind as he is part of the group and knows the idea and story inside out. By knowing this he know what is expected and what he should act like. I also think that Joe has the acting ability as he achieved a B grade at GSCE just like our other candidate Jordan. Joe just like Jordan is ready to work, reliable and flexible to when we need him

Character Casting discussion ( Main Role )

Today during our free lesson me, Jack and Jordan started to plan the casting for our main task. Although our fellow group member Joseph was absent we proceeded with what needed to be done.We wanted to get a better idea of what sort of people would be the ideal sort of candidate for our casting. So we started with the casting for the main role of our main task. The characters role is to unveil the secret behind Illuminati.To help us with the casting we started to product a brainstorm as per usual.

This is a picture of be preparing the brainstorm/discussion of the main character casting discussion. 
I wanted to take charge of this discussion so that Jack wasn't always leading the group. 
This is picture of our ideal main character.. By looking at this picture you can see all the ideal attributes that we want our main character to have because it will make them be the ideal character that we are all picturing.
This is a picture of me and Jordan Reading the script which was written by Jack. I recorded the media on my application with an application called "voice memos" then I emailed this to the Jack, Jack then eddied the media clip and uploaded it through Sound Cloud.

Candidate #1 - Bruno Stifanelli
As a group we all feel that  Bruno Stifanelli has great potential and could potentially be our number one candidate for our lead role who would en vile the Illuminati. Comparing Bruno to the the specification I can say that he has the rogue look about him and also that controversial look which makes him look important, which we need to ensure that the role is played well. I can confirm that Bruno is flexible and whiling.  After knowing Bruno for the last 10 years I know he would be right for the part.

Monday 5 December 2011

Creating a Time Lapse

In today's media lesson with Mr Henton me, Jordan and Jack were given a Samsung Flashcam to aid us in preparation for out time lapse at the lighthouse theatre. I will be researching and looking for tutorials on how to use the camera to the best it can be. I am aiming to learn the time lapse feature. My fellow group member Jordan started small time lapse sequence during his free lesson.
This is a time lapse that Jordan and Jack created during our 40 minute lunch becuase we wanted to put the the cameras time lapse function into practise.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Location Planning At The Lighthouse theatre

This evening me and my fellow group member Jack walked to The Lighthouse Theatre to extend our planning and theories for our locations. Here me and jack did some additional planning and took both pictures and video. Here is what we got up too.

At The Lighthouse Theatre Me and jack had 6 specific shots in mind. Before meeting for the Lighthouse theatre Jack devised a list of shots which we were going to take picture of.

Starting backstage here is picture of The Lighthouse Theatre’s Backstage Dressing room.
In this backstage location we plan to show a character preparing himself with his suit and notes before he has to go on stage and unveiling the Illuminati secret. We plan to have various shots of the character getting ready to build up some tension before he goes on stage and reveals the big secret.

This is an image of a dressing room backstage of The Lighthouse theatre.
By having the "Authorised Access Only" I want to create a feeling with sense of importance to the audience.

This second picture is taken inside the room.

The Corridor is one of main filming areas as it plays a vital role in our film opening. We plan to get shots of our character leaving the backstage room all prepared up and ready and walking along towards the stage. However we will be using a tracking back shot while doing so and also be doing a voice over while you see our main character in the corridor. The voiceover consists of the opening to the main characters speech. To give you a taster of the tacking back shot we thought it was a good idea to record one while at the Lighthouse Theatre this can be viewed at the bottom of this post with other shots and clips take at the theatre.

This is the picture of the corridor linking the backstage room to the stage.

Next up we have a picture of the Audience Stage View. This is where we plan to record a different part yet still equally important to whole final product. Here we wish to record the build of a audience going into the theatre and waiting for main characters speech. To do this we will be using HD camera provided by Mr Henton which has a certain effect to film a time lapse which should give us the kind of audience build up we intended to have. By recording a live audience at The Lighthouse Theatre we can make our teen horror just that bit more authentic.

This is a picture of the audiences view of the stage.


Next up is an on stage view. This is the view that the person on stage will see when looking at the audience. This view is most effective when its over the shoulder because the camera will act as our main characters eyes and you'll see what the main character would

The next shot is the across stage shot. This is the roughly the same spot that we would be filming from.
This is a short video consisting of video clips and photos that me a jack took while we were at The Lighthouse Theatre.
After doing this I can now see all the pieces coming together and evidentially our final product is becoming even clearer. Slowly things are slotting into place because we now have our main location sorted. To continue with this good progress i think we should continue with our deadline list by doing our casting process however we will need to get together as a group and plan this.

Friday 2 December 2011

Enquiry about The Lighthouse theatre

Our fellow group member Jack contacted The Kettering Lighthouse Theatre to see if we could use it as a potential filming location for our teen horror. 

They have replied after this saying that we could use The Lighthouse Theatre in January after the ptomaine 
season is over.

Props For Main Task (Illuminati Mask )

Our Fellow group member Joseph has purchased a illuminati mask which is to be worn during the filming of our teen horror. As a group we are doing well and everything is in order.

Below is 2 pictures of the mask:

Introduction to Livetype

Today in Mr Cradocks lesson in the media lesson we were introduced to a program that was made as an addition to Final Cut Express. Live type is a program where you create titles and once finished they can be easily  exported to Final Cut. Mr Cradock showed us a video which you obtained from YouTube. The video showed us how to write text, change the colour, size, spacing and add backgrounds. We were then given time to create our own titles and to get more acquainted with the software.

After playing with Live type and creating a title I personally didn't think that it was all that good also knowing that other members of the group could create better titles on different programs.