Monday 12 December 2011

2nd Character casting season

After having our first discussion for casting and coming up with characteristic specification we are ready to proceed to the next stage. The stage would be getting potential candidates for this role. So we had a group discussion and through of all our possible candidates and then said what ability and skill each candidate had. After this long thought process we finally got to a conclusion which 2 candidates suited the position well we all concurred on.

Here is the first Canadian Jordan who will pose in an Illuminati mask.
The reasons for choosing Jordan were simple.

Firstly Jordan is a very reliable person and we all know him so that getting hold of him would be easy and we know that he is flexible. Also he knows everything about the role because he helped produce the whole "Breaking The 4th Wall" idea. We also know that Jordan did GCSE Drama where he achieved a Grade B so acting is an easy thing for Jordan making him a very good candidate

Untitled from Jack White on Vimeo.

Followed by the second candidate Joe
During the discussion of who we should cast Joe sprang to mind as he is part of the group and knows the idea and story inside out. By knowing this he know what is expected and what he should act like. I also think that Joe has the acting ability as he achieved a B grade at GSCE just like our other candidate Jordan. Joe just like Jordan is ready to work, reliable and flexible to when we need him

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