Tuesday 8 May 2012

Evaluation 1

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e of film openings)

In general, our horror film doesn’t really apply many of the main conventions found inside a horror film. We have chosen to go for more of a political horror rather than such horror forms as a thriller or action. Because of this it means that we have chosen not to include conventions such as the fake scare, the ignorance towards a threat or the stranded victim convention. However in order to create a real horror atmosphere and be able to let the audience identify the genre that this film will fall into we decided it would beneficial for us to include a convention that is most commonly found in Slasher Horror’s, this is a convention that includes a character being killed in the opening minutes of the film.

Our horror was thought up based of personal idea’s and thoughts that group shared, our original idea has been altered an awful lot in order to gain the best effect of the audience. Our actual location and the way we filmed out shots was inspired from a music video that we felt helped to build tension and focus a lot on one character, Lupe Fiasco – Show goes on. The main shot that we decided we thought could work well for our production that we spotted during this music video was the shot I have included in the video below, we felt if we could track the movement of our main character towards the stage it would help the audience focus on this character, become gripped to the character and then have him killed and taken away from them, something they wouldn’t expect. I have also included our version of this shot to show the effect we were going for.

Below I have constructed a 10 minute video that includes Jack analysing the 14 key shots that we picked out as a group, he has talked about the reasons why we decided to pick this shots. He has also discussed the ways in which we constructed the shots and to how we feel this has benefited our production and in what way we feel it has had an overall effect on the final product:

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