Tuesday 8 May 2012

Evaluation 2

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

In our production, we decided to go for someone that is far from the biggest person we know, we decided to choose someone who was of a smaller build for a number of reasons. Firstly because we feel that using a small build of character will lure the audience into seeing this character as less of a threat, this is good because when the actual murder happens they will be in more of a shock and confused about how this has happened. We feel this will help to engage the audience and make them feel as if there’s more to this character than meets the eye. We also wanted them to feel that even despite the size of the illuminati, they are far superior to use and have the power over the normal person, this is important to setting the scene and the plot of the story.
In terms of how our product represents certain social groups, there is one main point to discuss. This is again that about the character, we decided to go for on outfit that was inspired mainly by the hit film, V for Vendetta. The mask is commonly associated with the illuminati and secret services/freemasonry, worldwide. We felt that by including this mask, that the audience could easily relate to this type of story plot, the illuminati and V for Vendetta, which automatically will strike fear into the audience.
The image at the top of the screen shows just how we were inspired by V for Vendetta, we wanted to achieve a look that would incorporate not only the mask of ‘V’ but the secrecy of him, we used Monks robes rather than the conventional full black, to achieve this look. I also believe that the picture of our character (right) shows him to look powerful and almighty, this is shown by the way his hands are risen and his body posture and positioning. The fact that we chose to keep our character covered and keep the level of secrecy will make the audience expect the worst of him and try and figure him out as character.
However our character does have differences to the social group he most represents, the key fact that our character doesn’t use any sort of conventional weapons and uses more of an improvisational weapon in order to create a more memorable and authentic effect on the audience is something that our production team took a great level of care and went into great detail in selecting. We also feel they share great differences in there build, ‘V’ is shown to be a great, tall, well-built character who could dominate any victim with his bare hands, whereas our character is smaller and looks to be less of a threat, which was the deception we wanted to lure our audience into.

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