Tuesday 8 May 2012

Evaluation 4

Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?

 (Left) Dean Houghton is 17 years old and is a student at Kettering Buccleuch Academy; he is a sixth form student who lives in the Northamptonshire area of the UK. He has a strong passion for media, film making and film consuming. He spends his spare time creating short films and researching into a future in the media/film making business. His love and knowledge of films is also shown in his place of work, the local Odeon cinema screening company. Dean is your average, young, outgoing and athletic teenage boy who enjoys nothing more than spending time with friends.

Dean, as mentioned enjoys spending time consuming media aswell as creating it. His favourite television show is The Walking Dead. The Walking Dead is a horror-drama which includes a Zombie Apocalypse in the US. The show is much americanised and is aired by an American TV channel. He likes this show because he says “As a TV show I find it really gripping, I really enjoy the drama element of the show aswell as the horror of the show. I find that these two aspects work very well because I believe it’s like watching your average drama, but you’re constantly on edge as to what might happen next because you’re aware of the horror element it has to offer through the means of Zombies, blood, guts and gore. For me, it’s the perfect mix and it has me totally hooked!”

Dean went onto comment about his love of scary films aswell as TV shows, “ I’d have to say that horror is by a mile my favourite genre of films. I have a huge passion for all types of films, but horror films just have that extra edge, that buzz that other types of films just don’t bring. They have the ability to put you edge, aswell as grip you and get you thinking, for the full 2 hours. I just don’t think that other genres of films can compare to horror, they don’t get you fearing, sympathising, they don’t have you jumping out your skin at every twist and turn, and that’s why, for me they’re the best types of film.” He later explains, “In terms of my favourite film of a horror/Thriller genre, I’d have to say "Cabin in the woods" would probably have to be it. It has that extra twist to it that other horror’s don’t, I like how it challenges conventions rather than copies them. I love how it is a very smart film, it’s clear to everyone that the storyline has been thought out well and that’s why I love it.”

Dean enjoys all different types of music, but his favourite type is Acoustic. Dean has recently been to several different music gigs, including his favourite artist, Ed Sheeran, who performed at a HMV event in Nottingham earlier this year. Dean has been a keen admirer of Ed since even before his rise to fame in 2010. He is constantly listening to Ed on his iPod and is a keen follower of Ed on Twitter. However he does also enjoy listening to a wide range of music that include the likes of Gyptian, The Enemy and Green Day.

Our reasoning for believing that our media product would be well suited to someone such as Dean is because he shares a strong love for horror products, he has told us his passion for this type of films. He commented on how his favourite type of film is "Cabin in the woods" because it is a very intelligent film that has a very well thought out storyline, he believes that this type of film is very appealing to his type of audience. As we used V for Vendetta as an inspiration we feel that he is a perfect target audience for us to use seeing how V for Vendetta is a smart thriller. This is why we used him as a model for who we wished to target in our production. We also feel that this type of film is something that there is a strong market for and the type you could imagine seeing in a cinema, Dean’s love of cinema’s is shown in his job alone, and for this reason aswell as many others we believe that he fits the perfect bill for our target audience.

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