Thursday 17 November 2011

Main Task Research

Today in a non contact lesson our group went to a free class room and created a brainstorm in order to initiate more ideas and tweak what we already had. During the brainstorm we were targeting 3 specific areas visual, audio and location. below are some picture of what we came up with.

This is an image of our group while we were brainstorming.

During the brainstorm we were looking into 3 key areas:

The first key area that we looked as was audio.

We believe that the audio will play a massive part in our horror because music can change everything. We need to have good audio but still keep in mind that we cant just get a good audio track. It's important that we don't do this because then we will have to fit our opening titles around the audio which will make everything a lot harder to do.

So we we brainstormed audio we couldn't go too deep into it. However we did disscuss that we wanted to use some specific Barrack Obama clip. The specific clip talks about "New world order" and this will help set the opening for what's coming on after.

Next we brainstormed the location. We want to ensure that we have the best possible location for our horror. we don't want to fit the script around the location because we cant do certain things in that location. From the pitch we planned to do from the pitch we know that we have to address the issue of a 'west end theatre' Then
our group member jack came up with the idea of using the local theatre in Kettering called The Lighthouse Theatre but because of all the authority we would need we had to find a more do able location and then we decided the the drama stage at school.

Lastly we brainstormed visual.

For the visual aspect we tried to mix it up with the effects during the opening titles. We first decided to have an old brick wall with the words “Breaking the 4th wall” coming out of it as the bricks cracked. So then i started to use fireworks to see how possible it was to do create this. After a long time of trial and error i decided that it would look to amateur so i decided not to purse this matter any future. Here is what i came up with.

Another idea that we came up with for visual was an illumanti shadows. We came up with the idea of cutting illumanti symbols out and then projecting them onto a wall with a red torch. I think this is good because it add more to the horror effect.

This is an image of the board that we brainstormed all our ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Top banana Pav. The audio clip of your presentation is evidence of excellent use of digital communication and your blog in general is detailed and impressive. You are heading to a Level 4 for your research and planning and need to keep this up to secure as many marks as possible.

    I need to talk to you and your group on Monday about the Barack Obama speech sample. I have to check with the exam board if you can use the original recording of this or whether you will have to record it yourselves using an actor's voice. This is due to the exam board's condition that you cannot use any 'found' material.
