Friday 25 November 2011

Main Task Storyboard

Today me Jack and Joe produced the storyboard for our 2 minute horror film opening. Unlucky our group member Jordan couldn't participate due to an illness. So knowing we had a deadline the three of us took on the challenge. However we had Jack the co script writer to aid us in doing the storyboard.

We went to an empty classroom so that we could do the storyboard. To aid us i logged on to a computer and loaded our script which was then displayed on the board so that we could read it as we did the storyboard. By looking at the storyboard sheet we could see that we need to have most of the things from our script on there.
We included the audio, camera angles, sounds and then numerically ordered all the shots so that the storyboard is very easy to understand.

This is our first page with 6 shots.

This is our 2nd page with 6 more shots
This is our 3rd page with only 3 shots.

Now we have finished out storyboard we are ready to move to the next stage. I think that producing this helps us because our ideas become stronger and more detailed.

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