Monday 7 November 2011

Opening Titles

In preparation for our main task today's lesson we began to look at the opening titles of films and how they can have a big effect as they create a mood at the start of a film. In the lesson Mr Henton showed us some videos clips of opening scenes from a website recommended by the exam board.("Art of the title") These scenes were the opening titles of these four films:

Aliens: I like the way that "ALIEN" is written across the top slowly as the film starts. I think this a was a good way to write it as when it starts the audience are trying to workout what it says which then adds some mystery to this alien film.

Dawn Of The Dead: The good thing about the opening titles of Dawn Of The Dead is the red text on a black background and blood dripping.

John Carpenter's: The Ward: The Ward uses a good soundtrack which adds to the horror whilst images are on in the background. The credits appeared in a ghostly form and the images. The images used is another good thing about the opening title.

Zombieland: The opening titles for zombie land are red representing blood they are slow moving as are the images behind.

All of these films use different techniques in their opening titles, all these techniques have different effects such as the font, colours, sound, positioning and order of cast will all have an effect.

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